Cedar Tongue and Groove Siding - Parr Lumber

Cedar Tongue and Groove Siding

Tongue and Groove Cedar Siding ~ Parr Lumber

Photo courtesy of WRCLA

Western Red Cedar tongue and groove is widely used for its good looks and versatility. This cedar siding product can be installed horizontally, vertically or diagonally. Each wood siding method gives a distinctly different look. The joints between adjoining pieces of the house siding are usually v-shaped. However, flush jointed, reveal and radius joints siding options are also available. The different joints and surface textures in tongue and groove exterior siding combine to provide a range of shadow line effects that enhance the home siding’s versatility.

Tongue and Groove Siding Grades

Grades for tongue and groove cedar siding include Clear Heart, A Clear, Select Knotty, Proprietary, and Standard and Better. Tongue and groove siding is available with rough or smooth faces. In addition, both seasoned (kiln-dried) and unseasoned (green) sidings are available.

Clear Heart
Tongue and Groove Siding Clear Heart Cedar Siding ~ Parr Lumber
A Clear
Tongue and Groove Siding A Clear Cedar Siding ~ Parr Lumber
Select Knotty
Tongue and Groove Siding Select Knotty Cedar Siding ~ Parr Lumber
Tongue and Groove Siding Proprietary Grade Cedar Siding ~ Parr Lumber
Tongue and Groove Siding Standard Cedar Siding ~ Parr Lumber
  • Clear Heart
    The highest grade. Includes only pieces with heartwood on the exposed face. Many pieces completely clear, others have minor imperfections that do not detract from their fine appearance.
  • A Clear
    Permits somewhat more imperfections than Clear Heart, but the grade is still restricted to pieces with excellent appearance.
  • Select Knotty
    Available kiln dried or unseasoned. Knots are sound and tight.
  • Proprietary Grades
    Designed to meet appearance requirements for cedar sidings and trim.
  • Standard and Better
    Suitable for exterior construction. Occasional pieces may require trimming to yield suitable quality for the intended end use.

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